Join Little Scientists Activities in Limassol

Is there any other more interesting activity for children than Science Experiments?


It is Fun it is Educational It is exciting and Captivating!

Our students gain….

A better understanding of science concepts and how they apply to the world.

Confidence in design principles and the skills to innovate.

A focus on your child’s growth mindset to stretch the limits of what they believe to be possible.

Access to our outstanding full-time teachers who care about your kids.

Preparation for the future as a better understanding now of science will benefit them for years to come in school.

Science for kids. Children attending our Science Lessons will have the opportunity to join a wide variety of exciting Science activities and experiments. Each month has theme-based projects and experiments that are designed to follow STEAM education.

Join Our Science Classes Now!

Children Age: 5-12 years Old

Price: €70 per month

Language of Service: Greek and English

Contact Person: Kyriakos Karmiotis

Phone Number: 99167546



Facebook Page: littlescientistsCY 

Melios Zoo - A happy experience in Nicosia

This is the best Zoo in Cyprus can be found in Nicosia! Kids Fun in Cyprus believe that this should be the best choice for your children especially if they are babies, toddlers or small children. We could also say that this is one of the most beautiful places to celebrate your kids birthday in outdoor in Nicosia. So do not hesitate to choose to go and spend a wonderful day with your kids, seeing the animals and playing at their outdoor playground.

Melios Zoo is in Nicosia and the entrance price is only 3 Euro for adults and 2 euro for children. These are the best prices for a zoo in Cyprus.  They are open  up to 19:00 so that makes it easy for a nice experience in the evening starting with 16:00 as they have plenty of shadow also.
What did we see?

Being in Cyprus we saw lots of birds of all kinds. From parrots of all shapes, colors and noises to hens, roosters, pigeons, canary, lovebirds, eagles, hawks, parakeets, finches. Then there are the waterfowls like: swans, gooses, ducks, teals, pintails of all sorts. Between the big animals you can meet: llamas, all sorts of cows, dears, goats, kangaroo and hyena. The rest of the animals I will let you discover them.
What it is very good at this zoo is: it is not too long in order to become a very tiring walk, the animals can be seen very easy by the small children, and there are not gaps between the animals, that make this place to be very entertaining and relaxing to visit.

For the end I kept this secret: the zoo has a beautiful playground. It is simply gorgeous. Plenty of swings for the toddlers, slides, tunnels, roundabouts the playground is one of the main attraction at Melios Zoo. The best choice to sit and relax under the shadow trees and watch the children playing.

You can find at the entrance a Pet Shop with lots of birds (all types of parrots and parakeets of all colors) and other small animals for sale in case that you decided to buy one for your children, do not forget to stop.
Once again a very pleasant surprise and a happy experience!

Opening hours:
Tuesday – Sunday
Winter: 09:00 – 19:00
Summer: 09:00 – 19:00
Entrance fee:
Adults: 3 euro
Children: 2 euro
Phone no: + 357 22 835 920
+ 357 99 418 406
Ayioi Trimithias
2671 Nicosia
Web page: www.

Map Location:

Kiti the village of the Angels - Larnaca

Hello everybody,

“Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom!”
Marcel Proust

This is what I could first say after my visit to Kiti village. I remembered I read somewhere that behind Aggeloktisti church is a nice playground.

So going from Larnaca towards Limassol on the old road I saw the sign for the church and I said I have to look for the playground. This was one of my best choices as this place was marvelous.

I was here before but I did not imagine that since my last visit they could build such a beautiful place behind the church. I have to say that it is a place where kids are loved because the playground is in my opinion the biggest climbing outdoor structure that I ever seen in Cyprus. Three levels of construction and 6 big slides and lots of activities that took my kids more then two hours of running without any stop plus swings, sea saw and so on… plus the park….

The sound of tranquility surrounding the old church, young and old trees, young and old people, a family.
This church as I read to be the Church build by Angels lives there for our beginnings and for our ends… One old stone in top of the other make her doors open to us, inviting us to feel her loving soul. 

A story lives there to be told:
“In Kiti there's the Ancient church of "Panagia Aggeloktisti" (Meaning "Virgin Mary, Built by Angels"). There are two versions regarding the name of the church. The first say that when it was decided to build the church, the decision was not for the location where it stands today but for some other place. However, having begun setting the foundations in that place they observed that as if through a miracle the foundations had been transferred to the area where the church is today. So, they continued building in the new venue since it was by now obvious that this was God's will. However, another odd event occurred. As the construction continued the builders discovered every morning that the building of the construction advanced by itself. So, they watched during the night and saw that around midnight angels would come down from the heavens and chanting hymns for the Virgin Mary were building the church during the night.

The other version says that because of the Virgin Mary's mosaic that is found in the church. Anyone noticing it and sees how beautiful it is says that human hands could not have made ​​such a mosaic. So, it is believed that also this was made with the aid of Angels.”

A story to be told … A story will be remembered!

A bride is on the alleys of the park … a beginning for a new family and children to be raised in this place where angels are all around Kiti – Larnaca – Cyprus.

Lots of sunny days from Izzy the Cypriot Lizard!

Kitti (Kitioy) village, Larnaca, Cyprus
"Panagia Aggeloktisti" Church  - Παναγίας της Αγγελόκτιστης